
Friday, February 17, 2012

The beauty is in the eyes of the beholder

I don't like people yang pakai contact lens -,- seriously? perlu kh? I mean, Malaysian takde blue purple green or whatever colour eyes -,- I mean, Teenagers are too young to use it. Kalau adult or young adult, kita tgk pun, tak ingga. tol tak? It's normal kalau tengok kat young adult. But teenagers yang mseh skolah? hehe sorry to say, look like whaaa~ hehe :p Kalau terasa, sorry. I'm only expressing what I feel. Just like this blogger said, 'Blog to express not to impress.' Kalau tak suka, kindly press the button X kat tepi tu :p or just press ALT and F14 (:
K back to the story, this blogger also said, kalau pakai contacts pun, just use transparent, tak payah nak tukar2 the colour of your pupil. and then, the second point is, it doesn't suit your skin. Kalau your skin ya tan or dark? jangan lah pakai contacts yang bercolour -,- proud to be asian and malaysian. Some beli yang utk besarkn mata. Like seriously? Mata sepet is hot bah. Like my boyfriend *ehem ehem* hehe perasan sangatttt~ I know big eyes tu is pretty and whatsoever -,- but actually, natural beauty is better. As the saying says, 'The beauty is on the eyes of the beholder.'

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