Friday, December 31, 2010
Class ?
What the? aku class 2K? BIAR BENA? aku x mok bah. sesi pagi boring. aku mok sesi petang. lbih bnyk kwn ku kenal bh. mun kenyataan dah 2k, redha jak.. hrp2 syarfa sma kls eyh ! ;D
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
sorry :)
sorry la plak, kalau kwn ku bnyk mencarut ;D tp skrng, dah takda lagi. tp, ada merepak juak la :)
the girl that's not like other people i've met.
panjang umonya. bruk ku update blog pasal nya, nya kontek aku plak. haha. pnjg umo. tp trasa plak eyh. psl status fb. dehh.
Luahan hatiku
yeah. kalau ada masalah, di saat senang dan susah, aku akn sentiasa refer to my friends. but selalunya dngn Shazza atau Syarfa. dngn Danny and Hana Na juak, kadang2 la.bnyk lagi lah yg aku luahkn isi hatiku kpd. syg kmuorg yg sudi mndengar :)
damn. aku terlanjur kata pda sorg kwn aku tk. adehhh. it's so complicated. i seriously, TERLANJUR jak. xda niat pun nak nyebut gya. but i'm right. love for humans, won't last long, just love for Allah will :) so, perjuang dngn seadanya cintamu.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Jenis Cinta ?
kenak lah org slalu dpt cinta terhalang? But, bak kata kak lena, cinta terhalang lah membuat org mkin gagah memperjuang cinta mereka. btul kan?
tetapi.. cinta tiga segi? itu selalu aku jumpa. tp dlm khidupan seharian, blum pernah lgi ku jumpa, cinta mcm itu. pelik sngt la.. knp la movie slalu buat cinta tiga segi ni.. tak best tau. lagi2 org yg best friend dngn best friend suka pmpuan sma.
ada yg dpt cinta palsu. mereka teringin, wang?? atau sesuatu.. itu adalah sngt mengecewakan. kan aku dah ckp, DON'T BE FOOLED ! Or Else, pdn lah mka :P
cinta sejati ? ramai yg tidak mendapat ia.. sbb mereka terpilih salah org. ataupun, jodoh mereka mmg mcm itu ? aku tak phm lah psl cinta jenis nih?
dah2, bnyk lgi jenis nih, tp aku tak nak lah membebel tak tentu psl. okay, ini hanya main2 ni.. jngn terasa lah pulak. xD
2010 !
aahh. aku akn merindui 2010 ! bnyk experience yg ku dpt. bnyk saat manis dek saat pahit yg ku dpt :) itupun, sbb kengkawan,kengkazen,family,cikgu aku smua :) terimakasih kmuorg :) sayang kmuorg !
she's not like other people i've met.
biasanya, aku lebih rapat dngn nya, tp skarang, mcm dah x kontek. apahal tk? nya terasa ka psl apa yg aku pdh psl nya. mmg bna pun. cikgu anok aku, aku x mrh ckgu pun. nya blebeh anok. but, yeah, whatever, dh kwn, biarlah. dah prange gya, x dpt ku melarang, btul x? dah x rpt mcm dolok dh, dolok bkn main share secret, now, xda lalu kontek. mun mcm ya, next year, bkk skolah, nang sah bnyk drama. nang sah nya x lyn kta. bia lah. just play along. asal happy.
I like it :)
Some standard just sucks :P
hey, wassap ? it's kinda frustrating you know. registering for form 2 on 2 jan and going to school on 3 jan. i mean , come on, what's that all about? can they put the date to register earlier? i mean seriously ! we don't have like, the time to wrap our books and stuff. please la. but i can't complain, that's how life is.. some are great, some are frustrating, some are depressing, some are sad, some sucks ! But, Allah Maha Adil. so :) great, yeahh. see ya guys at school. maybe, if you went to the same school as i did :)
yeahh. all i could thing about is how i'm gonna be on the 31. what i'm gonna do? where am i gonna be? am i ready for this? i mean, seriously, it's gonna be a new experience :) and i may look old using that black skirt. i really don't wanna look old. but, hey, responsibilities must be taken care of. like what people say, responsibility sucks ! :P
To friends :)
Hey friends out there :) if you read this blog, i'm sorry if i don't write about all of you, but, i love you guys :) jngn slh phm okay?
A message to ya'll out there. Just a reminder :)
yeah. maybe looks can fool you, but you gotta remember, not all looks fool you. so DON'T BE FOOLED.
This Is Geng Dp

See the first picture there? yeah, that's me. i may look innocent there, but i'll bite your hands off if you disturb me :P haha. yeah.
that picture next to me, that's dowienna :) she's small yet cute. she's angelic looks may fool you, cause when you get to know her better, she starts swearing. well, that's her hobby. can't change that.
and the picture next to dowienna, i bet you know her, that's syarfa. like i said, TWINS.
the picture under mine is danny, he is a gentlement. he won't hit girls, unless they're really annoying. he maybe soft,but he's tough guy when it comes to hitting.
the picture under syarfa is akmal. he is a sensitive guy. he may be annoying, but yet, he's sensitive. he also have loads of probs. and he mostly express his feelings to us :)
the picture under dowienna is tracy. she's funny, and fun to be around with. she likes making jokes and some people just don't like her. she's unfeminine but she tried to be one with the help of me :) haha.
And i miss all of them equally :) though we have our ups and downs in friendship, but that doesn't mean i don't love you all(as best friends). :) have a happy life, without me,or with me. you all deserves it :)
School !
handling it easy,love and care. school's starting in almost few days :) i'm nervous yet excited to see my friends. but time flies by so fast. and i'm nervous to btugas. it's really a great new experience :) with obstacle on the way for next year. i'm gonna be pretty busy, with loads of homework, and loads of prefects stuff :( i'm afraid i will only be free on mornings? maybe. so, wish me luck :)
Syarfa :)
Monday, December 27, 2010
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